Improving your CRM with
Artificial Intelligence

We provide a wide range of AI Powered Business Applications & AI services to incorporate to your CRM.

AI Assistants

Assistants that can be loaded with documents about a specific topic and can specialize in providing answers based on those documents.

Sentiment Analysis

AI is great at doing what computers have traditionally struggled with - understanding user feelings. We’ve been developing tools to track feedback in ways that can be used in analytics to provide richer data than just a star rating or like/dislike.

Report Generators

Automatically generate downloadable reports based on documents uploaded or information from a website.

AI Powered Workflows

Use of AI as part of multi step workflows that can automate tasks or interactions.

AI Quality Tracking

Different prompts get different quality of results, by tracking the results of each prompt and reviewing them for quality the prompts can be improved through fine tuning.

Event Announcement
We will be organizing an AI event in London for May 2024!

#Staytunned #TechEvent

Currently Freely Give has been explaining the basics of Prompt Engineering, going through techniques and giving guidelines. 

Prompt Engineering Tips

We went to Drupal Con to show how to produce effective code, including YAML files, show how to use ChatGPT to create views from scratch.

Controlling Drupal via ChatGPT

“If you remember the early days of the web when some companies were putting catalogs online that looked like books which you could navigate by page-dragging, I think we’re all going to be in a similar developmental phase with AI for a while, and it’s going to be interesting evolving our approaches as we get more comfortable with the technology.”

— Robert Castelo, Freely Give’s contractor —

Tech events & talks FG has left a mark: